AO Tennis is the official game of the Australian Open.
Create your own player, take them through the complete Australian Open tournament, right through to winning the trophy, or play in a quick match against the biggest names in Tennis.
You can unlock all of the players registered for the 2019 Australian Open tournament and experience increasingly higher difficulty, really testing your mettle.
AO Tennis controls are simple and intuitive, allowing you to swipe the screen in the direction you would like to hit the shot. The better the timing, the harder, faster, and more accurate or deft the shot.
AO Tennis es el juego oficial del Abierto de Australia.
Crea tu propio jugador, llévalo a través del torneo completo del Abierto de Australia, hasta ganar el trofeo, o juega en una partida rápida contra los grandes nombres del tenis.
Puedes desbloquear a todos los jugadores registrados para el torneo del Abierto de Australia 2019 y experimentar una dificultad cada vez mayor, realmente probando tu temple.
Los controles de AO Tennis son simples e intuitivos, lo que te permite deslizar la pantalla en la dirección en la que te gustaría disparar. Cuanto mejor sea el tiempo, más duro, más rápido y más preciso o hábil será el disparo.
AO Tennis is the official game of the Australian Open.
Create your own player, take them through the complete Australian Open tournament, right through to winning the trophy, or play in a quick match against the biggest names in Tennis.
You can unlock all of the players registered for the 2019 Australian Open tournament and experience increasingly higher difficulty, really testing your mettle.
AO Tennis controls are simple and intuitive, allowing you to swipe the screen in the direction you would like to hit the shot. The better the timing, the harder, faster, and more accurate or deft the shot.